One Health and Exposomics Day
One Health and Exposomics Day!
Wednesday, February 5 (All Day)
ISIS 8 allée Gaspard Monge - 67083 Strasbourg, Esplanade campus
The foundational basis for One Health can be found throughout human history in which the
broadest definition describes humanity in delicate balance with nature and all aspects of our
global environment. The concept incorporates humans, domestic animals, wildlife,
ecosystems, and physical components of the global environment. The most recent usage of
One Health has been in the context of disease transmission from wildlife to humans though it
continues to broaden to encompass more aspects of the environment. The Exposome concept
emerged more recently and at its core recognizes the effects of environmental exposures on
an individual human’s health. It initially focused on environmental chemicals from a variety of
sources, such as food and pollutants, and now also incorporates social and cultural
environmental factors. This conceptual framework can be applied at any point in an
individual’s lifetime. The One Health and Exposome conceptual frameworks have been
successfully utilized worldwide to address local, regional, and national issues. It considers
relatively high-level interactions and interrelationships among human, domestic animal, and
wildlife populations that affect the health of all. Furthermore, the health and sustainability of
ecosystems depend on these interactions and the health of all components.
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